I have two amazing kids!
2nd grade at Calvary did a Moses play. Kaylyn played Miriam. The play was really cute and the kids did a wonderful job.
2nd grade at Calvary did a Moses play. Kaylyn played Miriam. The play was really cute and the kids did a wonderful job.
Ashlyn had her award ceremony for Kindergarten. Ashlyn got a perseverance award and a Helping Hands dog tag award. She was practically dancing across the stage for the helping hands award because she was so excited.
Kaylyn had her 2nd grade award ceremony and got the character award for responsibility. Then Kaylyn came home with about 12 different other awards!
Kaylyn sang in her school's talent show with two of her other friends. They sang "What Faith Can Do" by Kutless. It was very cute!
A week from today we will be going on our Disney cruise. This will be our 5th Disney cruise, but Ashlyn's first. I think she will absolutely love it! We are so excited to be going on a well needed vacation. Also, we have planned another vacation for 4th of July week to meet another family that we met in China adopting their little girl at Disney. We are very excited about seeing them again!
Great job Kaylyn singing!!! And Congratulations Girls on all of your awards!! We can't wait for you guys to meet the rest of our family in Florida!