Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014 - Northrop Grumman Connect1NG's Florida Regional Summer Games

So, I realize that I am way behind on updates!  We've been a little busy with packing, moving, and vacation, along with school ending.  We are officially moved into our new house now and are closing on the old house June 2nd.  We've been going between the new and old house to get the old house fixed up for the new homeowners and mowing the lawn between the two houses (lugging the lawn mower between).

Going back to the beginning of May, we had our Florida Regional Summer Games, and the team I was on was called Goof Troop.  Well, we did awesome in the games placing 1st in Dodgeball and 2nd in Volleyball.  We did so well, that our team won 1st overall!  We knocked the two time reigning champions out so they couldn't go for a third year win.  But, they did overall as well and placed 2nd.  It was a lot of fun!

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