Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013 - Jason Update

So, Jason is still on anticoagulant medication (Coumadin), baby aspirin, and beta blocker.  He is still in pain and hates the pounding of his chest.  He's been having more pain lately and his scab is still not healing (falls off and scabs up again, constantly).  I finally forced him into going back up to Shand's today while we were on the field trip.  The doctor thought his scab looked infected so he prescribed him a very strong antibiotic (2000 mg/day) along with some antibiotic cream to put on it.  He also switched his beta blocker to a more potent brand to try and ease the pounding.  He said that everything else looked fine and his mechanical valve was working beautifully.  Low and behold, 24 hours later, Jason started feeling much better.  I have a feeling that the pain stemmed from an infection.  His scab is finally healed and everything is getting better.  There's still some pounding, but it's better than what it was.  The doctor also told him his INR could go lower now since it has been four months since the surgery.  He can regulate at 1.5-2.5 now.

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