Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 11, 2012 CCA's School Spelling Bee

Well, we got an email and letter home on Friday January 6 stating that Kaylyn was one of the two winners in her class to move on to the school Spelling Bee and we were invited to come watch.  So, on Wednesday January 11th, we went to the school to watch the 4th - 8th graders compete in the school's Spelling Bee.  Kaylyn ended up doing well and was the runner up for the school.  She won a year's subscription to an online Encyclopedia.  The word she missed was clemency...she spelled it clemancey.  I barely knew how to spell it.  I felt for all the kids in the 3rd round because a lot of hard words came out of that round...even ones I had never heard before.  She was so nervous she kept pausing and taking deep breaths.  The winner was a 7th grade boy.  We were so proud of Kaylyn!

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