Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 6th CCA's Christmas Program

We drove to Gainesville in the morning after dropping Kaylyn off at school.  Jason and Ashlyn had their yearly cardiologist visit at Shand's Pediatric Cardiology.  Ashlyn looked/sounded fine for everything.  Jason still has a slow leak in his heart where the artificial patch was placed when he was 4 years old.  The doctor did not seem worried about this because his blood pressure was still good and he could not hear the leak.  He also had the weird pneumonia last December with no symptoms, which the doctor worried about a little.  He wanted to get the x-ray and CT scan from that ER visit (Jason actually thought he was having a heart attack since the only symptoms were chest pains that radiated through to his back).  He says depending on how those look, he may or may not want an MRI.  He wants to see the size and shape of his heart to make sure everything is looking alright.  This doctor keeps up on all the studies and research and says that they should be looking at these things for his type of heart defects at around this age to make sure everything is still looking the way it should.  Didn't sound like there was anything to worry about and it all seemed pretty routine.

After the appointment, we drove back to Melbourne, dropped Ashlyn off at tutoring and picked Kaylyn up.  Drove home to make dinner and then Jason picked up Ashlyn.  We quickly ate, showered and got dress for the girls school Christmas Program that evening. 

2nd grade did two bell songs and then sang a song together with the 3rd grade.  Ashlyn was so funny when she delayed on the bell twice and giggled while covering her mouth after she rang it.  It was so cute because that was the first time I had ever seen Ashlyn singing a song where she actually knew all of the words to the song.  Amazing!  4th grade did a recorder song and then sang a song.  CCA's 4th-6th Grade Chorus sang a song, which Kaylyn is a part of.  They sang so beautiful!    They got to have milk & cookies after the program.  We didn't get home until after 9:00 pm that night with school the next morning.

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